Tuesday, May 14, 2013

30-Day Blog Challenge, Day 26

Day 26 – Think back to how you were 5 years ago.  How have you changed since then?
Oh boy, this is getting really personal…a whole heck of a lot, I’ll tell you that much!  I could go and give my whole life story, but I don’t want to do that.  The only reason why I’m writing this is because I know that it could help someone, somewhere.
As I have mentioned before, I went through a period of depression that peaked between the end of my junior year of high school to just before I graduated.  For me, it was all internal.  I didn’t self-harm, or take it out on anyone else.  I didn’t talk to anybody about it until much later.  In fact, most people thought I was alright because I showed no signs of it.  I’m one of those people who are wary of hurting or burdening others.  So I forced a smile on my face.  I tried to be social.  I kept my grades up.  Not even my parents knew about it for a while.  I didn’t hate anyone or anything.  I hated myself, for reasons even I can’t explain now.  It was just me in my dark little world.
A lot of people don’t—or can’t—really understand depression.  They think it’s an “all in your head” sort of thing.  They’re right.  It is.  But all of that in one’s head can accumulate and weigh him or her down.  Depression hurts physically, too.  The stress caused my acne and psoriasis to flare up, and I was constantly aching and getting headaches.  I offered these pains up as sacrifice and penance.  I begged God to show me what He wanted of me.  I begged Him to show me that I was worth something.
If I could only give you all one piece of advice, it would be this:  Trust in the Lord.  He will never let go, even if you do.  He created you for a purpose.  If you ever feel like you can’t find a reason to love yourself, remember that God loves you for no reason at all.  He loves you because you are you, the way He intended for you to be.  If you feel lost or uncertain, ask God to help you.  He WILL guide you, but you have to believe that He will.  You have to accept His grace.

Everything that I've gone through made me who I am today.
If you’re feeling depressed, know that you aren’t alone.  God is with you always. 
I know this is clichéd.  And I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but I know this to be true: it does get better.  Look up to the heavens.  Close your eyes, and whisper Deo gratias.  Feel His love wash over you.  It will get better.

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