Saturday, May 11, 2013

30-Day Blog Challenge, Day 23

Day 23 – 20 facts about you.
Alright then.  I’ll try not to sound like I’m bragging, or repeat the obvious (such as "I'm a nerd.").  Ha ha ha.  Here we go.

1.     I was born in Santa Maria, California on the first day of summer, 1992.  It was also Father’s Day. Explains why I’m such a daddy’s girl!

2.     My hair actually isn’t black.  It’s a combination of black, browns, and red.

3.     The first video game I ever played was Parasol Stars on the TurboGrafx-16.  I was three years old.

4.     As a child, there were many things that I wanted to be when “I grew up.”  American Idol, pastry chef, video game designer, concept artist, Disney Princess, or president of the biggest Zelda fanclub in the world.  Guess some things never change.

5.     My first anime was Inuyasha, which I started watching when I was twelve.  I’ve seen every episode, movie, and have a bunch of related collectables such as manga and a pillow.  Yes, an Inuyasha pillow.

6.     I started writing when I was thirteen.  My first project was a Zelda fanfiction (no surprise there), titled The Legend of Zelda: Farore’s Melody (who remembers this?).  I didn’t actually pursue writing as a career until I was seventeen, inspired by my high school Literature teacher.

7.     I graduated high school as valedictorian, with a GPA of 3.8

8.     I’ve read several hundreds of books over the years and have written many reviews.

9.     I don’t have a primary temperament.  I’ve taken many different tests and the results are never the same.  I guess I’m too random!

10.  I was a victim of minor depression for almost two years.  We all have had that phase.

11.  My patron saint is St. Teresa of Avila.

12.  I have a short story and a poem published, titled One Word and Senseless, respectively.

13.  I’ve had psoriasis on and off since I was eleven years old.

14.  May 14th marks two years with my boyfriend.

15.  My biggest character flaw would be that I’m indecisive and can’t be put “on the spot.”  I have to think things through thoroughly before making choices.  However, I’m always up for an adventure!  It has more to do with little things like when a friend asks where I’d like to go for lunch.

16.  I value creativity, imagination, and moderation in others.  People who are overly realistic, pessimistic, or optimistic get on my nerves!

17.  I’m a very romantic person, in the true sense of the word.  It’s just the poet side of me.

18.  My favorite school subject is English.  My least favorite is…math!  Just kidding.  It’s science.  Too much of the “real” world for my tastes.

19.  I play piano, guitar, and ocarina. I’m also a soprano in my parish choir.

20.  Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour, and I’m not afraid to tell the world. Deo gratias per omnia!

21. I'm a dork.

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