Monday, December 29, 2014

Thank you for 10,000+ pageviews~!

I happened to take a peek at my blog this morning, and I realized that I’m now at 10,000+ pageviews! Wow! :D Maybe that’s not a big accomplishment, considering, but I’m proud of my progress and I’m very happy to know that others are visiting my site and reading my posts. I love sharing my thoughts, and knowing that there are people who like to read those thoughts certainly mollifies me as a blogger, artist, and writer.

So I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all of my readers—new, old, and passersby! I will continue to write… in hopes that more and more people will read.


  1. Ummm...10,000 views is something to be proud of, it doesn't matter how long you've been doing this. Congratulations, bestie! :-)
